Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Most Exotic Beaches in the World

Pekon Leomong Post. Do you know the Most Exotic Beach Tourism In The World ?
The answer is a beach in Pesisir barat Krui Lampung Indonesia, The beach is a natural with white sand beaches along the Pesisir Barat in Kecamatan Lemong, Bambang · Bandar Pugung · Cahaya Negeri · Kawat Kuda · Lemong · Malaya · Merambai · Pagar Dalam · Pardahaga · Penengahan · Rata Agung ·Suka Mulya · Tanjung Jati · Tanjung Sakti · Way Batang.
11 districts of peisir barat Bengkunat Belimbing, BengkunatNgamburPesisir SelatanKrui Selatan,Pesisir TengahWay KruiKarya PenggawaPesisir UtaraLemongPulau Pisang.
there are many festivals held, residents and a friendly nature that Pesisir Barat.
contact  for your click on

Field fly in krui - pesisir barat

port in krui - pesisir barat

hospitality community
children of Western tourists
surfing tourists again

surfing tourists again

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